Honoring University of Anbar football team for Futsal

In Arabic
Honoring University of Anbar  football team for Futsal


Prof. Dr. Atheer Anwar Sharif, Asst. President for Administrative Affairs, honored University of Anbar football team for fustal, in the attendance of the Director of Student Activities Department, Asst. Prof Dr. Nasr Khalid Abdel Razzaq, Dr. Karim Jassim Muhammad, Professor Majid Hameed Ibraheem and Professor Firas Khalil Ibraheem, after they won the title of Almaarif University College Championship. In addition, they won the third place in the Universities Championship, which was held at the University of Mosul, Al-Hadba, and qualified them to the finals, which will be held in the province of Baghdad.

His Excellency expressed his admiration for the performance of the players in the two mentioned tournaments, stressing that he will be supportive of all sports, artistic and scouting activities. His Excellency listened to the obstacles and problems facing the students and promised them to provide appropriate solutions for them.

After that, gifts were presented to the team in appreciation of the efforts exerted. The Asst. President for Administrative Affairs conveyed the congratulations and blessings of the President of University of Anbar , Prof. Dr. Mushtak Taleb Al-Neda to the students and to the team administrative body, appreciating all the efforts made by all members of the delegation participating in the two tournaments and instructing that he will be supportive of all the students and provide assistance and attention The great sport and athletes as an important part of the University of Anbar, being the source of champions in various fields

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