His Excellency the French Ambassador visits University of Anbar

In Arabic
His Excellency the French Ambassador visits University of Anbar


The President of the University of Anbar, the Prof Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Neda received on Monday ,17th of January His Excellency the French Ambassador to Iraq Dr. Erik Shirak and the Cultural Consultant in the French Embassy in Baghdad Mr. David Laserah and a number of the Embassy staff in presence of both Vices-President for Administrative and Scientific Affairs and the Dean of the College of Computer as well as a set of the Directors of the Departments and Research Centers at the University Presidency in order to open the horizons of the scientific and academic cooperation among the University of Anbar and the French Universities where His Excellency the Ambassador expressed his astonishment to what he witnessed of construction progress and green parks, moreover the scientific progress the University of Anbar exclusively achieved after return to Ramadi original position post to its liberation saying I have the pleasure to meet with this elite of honorable professors and we are fully ready to cooperate with the University of Anbar and so pleased to see efficient professors in your university talking French language and actually I find in myself the great desire to learn in this university as everything here much attracts me.

After that the Director of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations at the University Presidency Dr. Duriad Mo'yad presented a brief presentation about the University of Anbar, which included the most important historical stations at the University of Anbar and its constructional, scientific and research achievements.

From his part, the President of the University of Anbar, the Prof Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Neda has welcomed this blessed visit which came from the French Government represented by His Excellency the French Ambassador and expressed the desire of the University of Anbar to open the horizons of the scientific and academic cooperation through signing a memorandum with the authentic French Universities and activating research programs and exchanging expertise via the visiting professor and getting benefit from the French Cultural Center at Baghdad in order to activate the study of the French language as well as creating academic programs at the level of under and post-graduate studies since His excellency the French Ambassador ordered to transfer it to the Council of the French University in order to start such cooperation eventually and to be applied on reality.

At the end of the visit, the President of the University presented the University of Anbar's to the French Ambassador, which embodied the most important historical stations and archaeological areas in the province, while the latter expressed his happiness with the kind hospitality and reception.


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