The Launch of the Activities of the Scientific Second Conference of Iraqi Desert Geology at University of Anbar

In Arabic
The Launch of the Activities of the Scientific Second Conference of Iraqi Desert Geology at University of Anbar


Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Saleh Al-Neda, President of University of Anbar, the activities of the second scientific conference for the Geology of the Iraqi desert were launched today, Wednesday, the 13th of October, at the Martyrs’ Hall at University of Anbar. It was set up by the Department of Applied Geology in the College of Science at the University of Anbar in cooperation with the Department of Earth Sciences in the College of Science at the University of Baghdad and will continue for the period from 13-15 October.

The conference includes a number of scientific axes in Geophysics, Geochemistry, Rocks, Industrial Minerals, Synthetic, Technological and Geometrical Geology, Water Resources, Environmental Geology, Oil, Sediments Sensitivity and Geomorphology, as well as the topic of Layers and Fossils.

The conference, which was attended by Dr. Jassim Al-Halbousi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, the university president’s assistants for administrative and scientific affairs, researchers from various ethnic universities and deans of faculties, aims to enhance and develop Geological knowledge in the Iraqi desert and the bounties it contains that can contribute to support the economy National and encouraging local and international investments to invest these resources and link them to sustainable development with the participation of geologists and from various disciplines inside and outside the country. This conference is an extension of the first conference that was held at the University of Baghdad in 2017, and will be held every three years if Allah wills.

The conference began with the recitation of a verse from the Holy Quran and then the playing of the Iraqi national anthem. Then a documentary film produced by the Department of Media and Public Relations was shown that embodies the stages of reconstruction and construction in the university after the destruction of military operations, as well as the stages of work in the project of Anbar University, A Green Oasis, WHICH was launched by the University President in addition to agreements and scientific cooperation between the University of Anbar and other universities.

In addition to that, the conference curriculum included a speech by the President of the University, in which he said: ‘’May God bless you in the premises of your university, the University of Anbar, in the activities of your second scientific conference on the geology of the Iraqi desert. The good effects of the memorandum of understanding that was signed with the University of Baghdad’’ Moreover, he indicated that the importance of this conference comes from the importance of its subject. The topic around which the conference axes revolve is the Iraqi desert, that makes up most of the area of ??Iraq, containing deposits rich in rocks and industrial minerals. It is an invitation to invest this desert and its wealth in the service of the Iraqi society and in support of the country’s economy, stressing that this conference reinforces our conviction of the necessity of activating cooperation between Iraqi universities and achieving scientific integration between them. The active participation of Iraqi researchers from various Iraqi universities along the map of the country increased our happiness.


After that, a documentary film was shown about the College of Science at the University of Anbar, then a speech by the Dean of the College, Prof. Emad Abdel Rahman and the general supervisor of the conference, who thanked all researchers and organizers of the conference, noting that it represented a beautiful miniature Iraq, followed by a speech of Professor Dr. Abdul Saleh Fayyad, the President of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference, which pointed out the importance of this conference, which he hopes will be a great success. Then the conference sessions began with a lecture by Professor Dr. Abdul Saleh Fayyad on mineral resources and the reality of their investment in the Western Desert of Iraq.

At the end of the conference sessions, the university president distributed a number of gifts and conference shields to researchers and conference participants.

  The sessions and work of the conference will continue over the next two days, and the conference program on the third day will include a field tour to see some areas in the governorate.




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