President of the University of Anbar Discusses the Cooperation Horizons with Dutch Nuffic Organization

In Arabic
President of the University of Anbar Discusses the Cooperation Horizons with Dutch Nuffic Organization

The President of the University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Neda has met both Mrs. Karn and Mrs. Margret the responsible for the ( Gender Equality) Programme within the programmes of Dutch Nuffic Foundation. During the meeting which has been done through an electronic circle (video conference), the cooperation scientific horizons and different programmes of the organization that the University of Anbar is participating in, in addition to other five Iraqi universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research have been discussed. The President of the University emphasized the importance of these programmes in enhancing the scientific research and developing experiences as well as the extent of the positive influence on the academic reputation of the Iraqi universities and amongst University of Anbar via communication and cooperation with the world universities which resulted in developing mutual researches and training courses in the field of the scientific research and the smart management of the water and agriculture.

His excellency expressed full support to the programme ( Gender Equality) and the work plan presented by the University of Anbar which was prepared by Asst. Prof. Dr. Fou'd Mohammed Freih, Head of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences in coordination with the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations through the Unit of Financial Support for the researchers. His excellency also indicated that this topic has a great priority within the strategic plan of the University of Anbar where the university has studied vision and plans for the topic which finally resulted in that the university has  obtained the second rank  within the classification of British Impact which belongs to famous British Times Classification that depends on several axes, and the most significant of these axes is (Gender Equality) which clearly indicates to the correct and studied University's vision in this field. During the meeting, the possibility of the University of Anbar' participation and supporting the research activity in it through the programmes of European ( Erasmus) has been also discussed. The executives in the programmes of Nuffic stressed their full support for this step and will submit their expertise and consultation to enter into this programme.

 At the end of the meeting, Nuffic programme presented its high gratitude and appreciation for the great support and cooperation given by the University of Anbar represented by the President of the University and directing an official invitation to his excellency along with the Presidents of Iraqi universities through the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to visit Netherlands and to sign on the programmes of the future cooperation which will be determined latterly. From his part, the President of the University of Anbar expressed his great happiness for this important scientific meeting in the framework of keen endeavor for the scientific progress for the university and adopting openness policy to the academic and authentic world universities and organizations, and appreciating at the same time the keenness of the Dutch side to develop its scientific programmes in Iraq. The meeting was attended by both Asst. Prof. Dr. Amar Hatem Kamel, Head of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department and Lecturer Dr. Duriad Mo'yad Abed, responsible for the Cultural Relations Section and lecturer Dr. Wessam Ahmed Ameen, responsible for the Financial Support and Asst. Prof Dr. Fou'd Mohammed Freih, Head of the Psychological and Educational Department who was prepared the University' proposed programme. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Rashid, Director of the Media and Public Relations at the university.        




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