The Advisory Team at the University of Anbar Succeeds in Preparing a Study for Mkhoul Dam

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The Advisory Team at the University of Anbar Succeeds in Preparing a Study for Mkhoul Dam


The Advisory Team constituted by the Engineering Consulting Office at the College of Engineering / University of Anbar, chaired by the Prof. Dr. Issam Mohammed Abdulhameed, the Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, and the membership of the Head of the Planning and Data Bases Department at the Center, the Lecturer. Dr. Ahmed Sa'oud Mohammed has succeeded in preparing a group of studies for Mkhoul Dam in Salaheldeen and Kirkuk Provinces, where these studies have the effective impact and a significant role in achieving the goals of the sustainable development within the framework of the national plan for sustainable development for the year 2030.

The experts of both Ministries of Planning and Water Resources have approved this study and it will be adopted in implementing Mkhoul Dam project soonly.

The Advisory Team included the following engineers:

1.Prof. Dr. Issam Mohammed Abdulhameed / Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center – University of Anbar / Chairman of the Team.

2.Prof. Dr. Ayad Sulebi Mustafa Al-Rawi / Department of the Civil Engineering – College of Engineering/ University of Anbar.

3.Asst. Pro. Dr. Amar Hatem Kamil Al-Ani / Department of the Civil Engineering – College of Engineering / University of Anbar.

4.Dr. Taher Mahmood Ahmed Al-Ani / Director of the Engineering Consulting Office at the College of Engineering – University of Anbar.

5.Dr. Jum'ah A'wad Hamed Al-Someaidi / Director of the Dams Engineering and Water Resources - College of Engineering / University of Anbar.

6.Dr. Ahmed Sa'oud Mohammed  Al-Nuaimi / Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center- University of Anbar.

7.Dr. Yasser Abdulhameed Mohamed Al-Ani/ Department of the Dams and Water Resources – College of Engineering / University of Anbar.

8.Dr. Ahmed Rahoumi Rajb / Department of the Civil Engineering – College of Engineering / University of Anbar.

9.Lecturer Ahmed Ameen Jubair Al-Taha / Department of the Dams and Water Resources – College of Engineering / University of Anbar.

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