The Launch of the Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference for Science

In Arabic
The Launch of the Proceedings of the First International Electronic Conference for Science


Under the patronage of the Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdel-Saheb, and under the logo  (E-learning and Future Trends in the Era of Modern Technology), the center of continuing education at University of Anbar, in cooperation with the College of Computer Science and Information Technology and the Electronic Computer Center, held the first international electronic conference for science and via electronic platforms for: 26-27/5/2021, with wide international participation.

The President of the University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Neda, emphasized, in his speech on this the occasion, the university’s insistence, with all its foundations of colleges and research and service centers, to keep pace with the needs of society and keep pace with the requirements of the great events and scourges that have afflicted it. The most important of which is: the spread of the Corona pandemic and its cause Covid-19 and the emergence of the importance of  electronic learning and the use of modern technology to advance the university of Anbar as a sophisticated model in professional dealing in such circumstances, and the role of the above conference in strengthening the foundations and frameworks for electronic education and future trends in the era of modern technology, indicating that what distinguishes this conference is that it is held by one of the university centers, what confirms our trend that we have been following since we have been assigned to the presidency of the university towards paying attention to research and service centers, so that these centers will be sources of creativity and the research interface of the university. Thank God we begin to reap the fruits of these trends, and these centers become beacons referred to and the destination of distinguished researchers.

This conference is one of the fruits of that, and it is one of a series of continuous scientific conferences that have been held and will be held, God willing, by these centers.

The conference includes three tracks: The first track includes computer science: (artificial intelligence, data analysis, and automation). The second track is devoted to pure sciences (materials, biological mathematics, physics, geochemistry and microbiology) while the third track includes: engineering: (engineering electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, civil engineering, architecture)

The conference, which witnessed the participation of a large number of researchers from different countries of the world, aims to exchange scientific ideas among researchers in the field of electronic media, applied and engineering sciences, computing and information and communication technology, study challenges, identify future trends for different sciences in the era of modern technology and electronic education, enhance research and creativity values for researchers and develop the culture of scientific research, productive university work and building bridges of scientific communication among researchers.


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