Manufacturing Ejected Concrete Device

In Arabic
Manufacturing Ejected Concrete Device

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Abdulqader Ismaeel Al-Hadithi and Asst. Prof. Dr. Yousif Abdulwahed Mansour, a Master student in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Anbar, College of Engineering, Engineer Amer Mohammed Inad has enabled to manufacture a device for extruding concrete to a range of up to seven meters where this device is considered significant to accomplish the requirements of the Master study of the aforesaid student which is interested in  studying the properties of this type of concrete ( Shoot Crete – Concrete).

The production of this type of the concrete is considered a scientific success at the level of the civil engineering sciences for having this type of concrete a significance in constructing establishments under the level of surface such as tunnels and constructing rapid- construction concrete establishments, as well as this type of the concrete are used I repairing damaged concrete particularly in the areas which are difficult to reach.

The Master student has enabled in the stage of the research to manufacture this device of local materials with Iraqi local manufacturers in Anbar Province and it was manufactured a primary sample for the device and then conducting several modifications on the device meet the lab requirements in addition to the possibility of using it within the sector of manufacturing of the building and constructions inside Anbar Province or within the scale of our country. The production of this device was with simple local capabilities by the Master student under the supervision of Iraqi professors is considered a promising scientific achievement opens the horizon for a wide scientific line within the scientific researches that interested in this type of the concrete. This achievement also means a victory on a technical challenge that was only possessed by foreign companies of giant capabilities and emphasized the highness of the scientific level of the Iraqi universities and its scientific  and research programmes and for the teaching staffs and students.      


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