Publishing An Applied Scientific Research in Scopos Containers Q1

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Publishing An Applied Scientific Research in Scopos Containers Q1

Pursuit to the directives of the President of the University of Anbar Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Neda in the necessity of the work in the research centers by the formula of research teams with the researchers from the colleges and research centers of the universities, Asst., Prof. Dr. Raad Khudher Salman, the instructor in the Center of the Renewing Energy Researches – University of Anbar, has accomplished his research paper entitled ( Investigation of the Usability of Polyester Protective Cover For PVDF-Based Polymer Gel Electrolytes) which was published in the global journal within the Q1 of Scopos containers ( H-Index 1.3) with the researchers from Gehan University and Salaheldeen University in Arbile and this research considers among the applied researches.

In this research, the use of Polymer Gel Electrolytes has been proposed, which is one pf the innovative materials used in various applications, and the most significant of which is energy storage units ( lithium-gel batteries) for renewable energy sources, as well as in optical devices such as plasma LCD screens. The development of such materials requires high-precision and efficient electro-mechanical tests to show the efficiency of these materials, but the problem is that the exposure to high temperatures can lead to evaporation of the electrolyte solution, which thus leads to inaccurate results for the tested models. To reduce this effect, by adding a thin polyster film that covers the electrolytic gel, and then conducting tests in the presence and absence of the membrane to verify the difference between the two cases. The tests gave promising findings for the use of this membrane to reduce the above-mentioned effect without disturbing the molecular or crystalline which in turn means maintaining the properties of lithium batteries with high efficiency and high thermal-mechanical stability. It's noteworthy that the study data and its tests have been implemented in the laboratories of the College of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds- United King dome ( Britain) 

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