The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs conducted a Tour to Follow the Progress of the Examinations for Postgraduate Candidates

In Arabic
The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs conducted a Tour to Follow the Progress of the Examinations for Postgraduate Candidates

Under the direct guidance of the President of the University, Prof. Muthanna Mohamed Awad, Assistant president for Scientific Affairs, conducted a tour today, Monday, 3/15/2021, to a number of the university’s colleges to follow the progress of the postgraduate candidates' exams, master’s and doctorate, accompanied by Asst. Prof. Dr. Moath Hilal, Director Student Affairs and Registration Department and Asst. Prof. Dr. Omar Abdel Rahman from the Continuing Education Center.

The tour covered the College of Medicine, the College of Education for Women and the College of Agriculture. He was received by the deans of the aforementioned colleges, and the scientific assistant confirmed that the exams took place in a high smooth and appropriate conditions, where full compliance with the preventive instructions imposed by the Ministry of Health represented in the distancing among candidates in addition to wearing paws, masks and good ventilation. The postgraduate candidates expressed their happiness for the great care and encouraging conditions during their exams, while thanking the efforts exerted by the university presidency for their efforts to pass the exams in accordance with the conditions and instructions set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

On the sidelines of the visit, the scientific assistant toured the corridors of the colleges, halls and laboratories, concentrating upon the unlimited support of the presidency of the university according to the available capabilities in order to make the educational process successful in order to bring  University of Anbar to the ranks of authentic worldwide  universities.

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