International Cooperative Conference on Modern Agricultural Technologies

In Arabic
International Cooperative Conference on Modern Agricultural Technologies

The International Cooperative Conference for Modern Agricultural Technologies (ICCMAT), which is organized by the College of Agriculture / University of Anbar in cooperation with the College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering / University of Salah al-Din, whose activities will start on Wednesday, 03/24/2021 at 10 AM, for two days.

The president of the university, the respected Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Neda, and the University of Salah al-Din, represented by the president of the university, the respected Prof. Dr. Jawhar Fattah Saeed, and the supervision of the deans of the above colleges, the all respected Prof. Dr.  Idham Ali Abd and Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdul Karim Ali.

The conference is held under the logo (The Role of Modern Agriculture in the Development and Prosperity of the National Economy). It is an academic conference specialized in agricultural sciences. All conference activities are integrated so that the proceedings of the sessions will be in presence. (in the campus of Salah El-Din University) via the paid video conference platform (FCC).

Note: the opening of the conference will be at 10:00 am Baghdad time and 7:00 am GMT

Opening session of the conference:

 Mar 24, 2021 10:00 am Baghdad, 7:00 am GMTTime : FCC Meeting:  

Meeting ID: agrmedia


Conference link

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