A Special Committee for the Typesetting of Ottoman Documents for Anbar Province

In Arabic
A Special Committee for the Typesetting of Ottoman Documents for Anbar Province

Under the direct instructions of the President of Anbar University, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Neda, the committee for the typesetting of Ottoman documents for Anbar province held an important meeting in the presence of Prof. Dr. Jamal Hashem Thweib and members of the committee at the continuing education center hall. The meeting tackled the completion of the Ottoman documents project, which is one of the projects adopted by the University.

Where work began on this project a year and a half ago and in several stages, where the first phase included searching for documents related to Anbar Province, as they were photographed in the Ottoman Documentation House in Istanbul, while the second phase is the stage of translating the titles of these documents and it was completed. The third stage was in formatting and classifying these documents and it was completed by a committee of history and Arabic language professors at the university. The documents were selected after excluding what affects the social aspect or national unity, and the penultimate stage is the typesetting phase, and after completing this phase, these documents will be printed in five volumes. It deals with the district of Dulaim and the district of Anah and the districts of Fallujah, Saqlawiyah, Hit, Haditha and Al-Qaim. These documents deal with all aspects of social, administrative, financial and economic life in Anbar Governorate at the time, which consisted of two districts, namely: Dulaim district, and the district of Anah.

We hope that these documents will be issued so that they can be used by graduate students in the development of authentic theses/ dissertations based on documents and covering a period of about 400 years. These documents will also be a reference for those interested in the history of the province.

This is one of the projects adopted by the University of Anbar to highlight the civilized aspect, and it is part of the university's tasks that are not limited to teaching and research, but rather to maintain the link with the community because the university is a beacon in its community and that the university has adopted three civilizational projects in Anbar province, which are the Ottoman documents and the Anbar Encyclopedia of Civilization, as well as the catalog of the manuscripts obtained, which is about seventy thousand manuscripts, is currently being indexed.


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