Starting the Works of the 1st International Scientific (Virtual) Conference for Human and Social Sciences

In Arabic
Starting the Works of the 1st  International Scientific (Virtual) Conference for Human and Social Sciences

Under the auspices of his highness the Minister of the Higher Education and Scientific Research (Prof. Dr. Nabeel Kadhim Abdulsaheb) and under a direct supervision of the President of the University of Anbar (Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Neda), the works of the 1st International Scientific (Virtual) Conference for Human and Social Sciences of the University of Anbar started at 10 a.m. on Sunday dated 16-8-2020 , in participation of the researchers from twelve countries as well as the researchers of the Republic of Iraq. His highness the Minister of the Higher Education and Scientific Research was represented by the Director of the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Apparatus (Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdulhussein Ateyah) who delivered an address in the inauguration session on behalf of the Minister in which he conveyed greetings of his highness to the custodians of the conference and all researchers, participants and attendance, and expressed his admiration towards the distinctive and high organizing of the Conference and the great international representation which mirrors the bright image of the academic's role for the Iraqi universities and distinguished research products in the human specializations exclusively which will be published in a Scopus specialized scientific journal. The President of the University (Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Neda) delivered a welcome address in which he greeted all the attendance and expressed his highly thanks and praise to the Minster of the Higher Education and Scientific Research for his great support to the University of Anbar and his patronage to the conference.

        The President of the University of Anbar clarified that this Conference comes in the context of the serious endeavor to internationalize the University and holding international specialized scientific conferences which contribute in pushing the march of the scientific research and developing it as well as encouraging researchers and post-graduate students to publish in the international authentic publication houses. He emphasized the necessity of promoting ties among researchers from different countries to exchange visions and constructive scientific interaction. He also showed that this Conference is among a great group of the distinguished scientific products that will be published in a Scopus specialized scientific journal. These research papers covered great important aspects of the specializations that the axes of the Conference dealt with. In the conclusion of his address, the President of the University of Anbar expressed his great and deep thanks and appreciation to the relevant Deans of the Colleges of the Conference and the heads and members of the preparatory committee as well as scientific committee and other supporting committees. The Director of the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Apparatus has visited some of the Conference sessions for the axis of English language and social one. He expressed his great happiness and high appreciation to the submitted research papers that he listened to some of them. It is mentioning that all the proceedings of the Conference for today have been covered and managed electronically in the operations room dedicated for this purpose under supervision of the President of the University of Anbar (Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Neda) and Deputy President for the Scientific Affairs (Asst. Prof. Dr. Muthana Mohammed A'wad). The University President presented a valuable scientific interpositions on some submitted research papers which witnessed useful scientific discussions about them. 

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